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How to Know if Girl Is Using You

Perhaps you're dating someone or have found a woman you like, and now you can't help but wonder, "Is she using me"? Or, you might be wondering how to stop history from repeating itself and you are just over it!

In this article, I will talk about these scenarios and share advice with you on how to turn this around. And that's not all! I am going to give you the key qualities to pay attention to when dating a woman, so you can find that quality woman that will love you for who you are! I know these things can be difficult to understand and let's face it – dating in the modern world isn't always the easiest. In fact, it is more complicated than ever. So that's why I am here!

I will help you get complications out of the way and start manifesting the love you want into your life right now! If you recognize the characteristics that you find in this article in the woman you are dating, I encourage you to turn the page and move on. I can promise you a good woman will be on her way to you the moment you stop dedicating time and energy to women who aren't 100% there for you!

Does she love me or is she just using me… and why?!

I know that people can be very manipulative if they have only one thing in mind, and there can be a variety of things on a person's mind. Women might be using you for attention, affection, gifts, or even for something as simple as dinner dates! Especially if you fall into the nice guy tendencies. Which isn't a bad thing but you should read this blog next. How To Stop Being The Nice Guy With These 7 Tips!

That's why it's important that you pay attention to the key principles and tips that I am going to give you here on this blog.

First, let's talk about why women may use men. They want that simple gratification so many people look for. You might make her feel wanted, which is a temporary boost of confidence. It is just gratifying for that moment, and she'll come back for more attention. Typically, a woman like this is always going to run hot and cold. Yes, this helps her confidence, but only helps it temporarily and that's why she keeps coming back.

Another possibility is that she might like to play that damsel in distress card with you. She might be in a bad place in her life right now and looking for someone to help clean it up. I am not saying that this is a good or bad thing because there have been plenty of relationships that came from this, but if she's halfway in and halfway out of the relationship with you, then it is likely that she is using you for what she needs at the moment.

You might be supplying her with gifts or heck, you might be even paying her cable bill! I see this often. Yes, I know men love to feel like the provider and that you can take care of your woman, but if she isn't showing up and nurturing you as a man then you need to let this go. This is especially true if you find out she's giving attention to other men or is dating other people instead of focusing on you.

I see plenty of men trying to help women and this has a lot to do with masculine energy and the desire to be a supporter, as a man should. But there is a fine line that no one really talks about.

Women have to earn that trust, earn the respect, and earn the capacity for you to fulfill her life financially if you choose to do so.

Just as you have to earn her respect too. So, if you find yourself in any of these situations right now, I want you to think about writing down the traits you look for in a partner and focus on this moving forward. What is the feeling you want your ideal partner to give you?

Do you find yourself asking "is she using me?" If any of the below hints represent your relationship, then she may be:

  1. You have to pay for everything
  2. She avoids serious talks
  3. She only wants to do things that she likes
  4. She might not even know your last name
  5. Pay attention to her body language
  6. Maybe she just wants sex

How to know if a girl is using you

In this section, I am going to discuss the feelings you'll get around a girl that is using you. In the last paragraph, I talked about how to tell you're being used and you might be thinking that it's the same thing.

No! As you know, I peel back the onion in my articles because I want to make sure I cover all bases. I like to logically approach every angle possible so after you read my article you feel as though your answers have been answered! When you are speaking to a girl on the phone or via texts, and you are trying to make plans, she can come off a little hesitant about officially planning something if she is using you.

She might even keep you around for the last minute. Now, we live busy lives so this may happen every once in a while, but it should not happen all the time. If your gut is telling you that she is not interested, then follow your intuition on this. This will never steer you wrong. When a woman does not make you feel like the masculine man that you are, it can be a result of the fact that she doesn't want much to do with you.

Does she laugh at you, excessively tease you, and make fun of you? Does she put you down alone or when around company? If you answered yes, STOP TAKING IT! This is not acceptable and you deserve more. I will talk about how to make a transition further down. Let's say you plan a date and she cancels on you last minute.

You know that she may be using you and is not valuing your time. When a woman makes you feel emasculated and does not treat you with respect, then you are seeing traits of narcissistic behaviors. You may see that you need to focus on these and learn from these patterns so that you do not waste any more time focusing on a woman like this. You deserve a woman that is going to lift you up and support you just as you would do for her. You might be wondering, "Why is it so hard to find a good woman?" Well, let's discuss the signs to keep an eye out for so you can detect if she is using you moving forward.

Is she using me: 6 Tips to know she's using you!

You have to pay for everything

It feels like she always gets her way. I know that in a lot of my videos on my YouTube channel, I talk about men paying on the first date – especially if they're asking a woman out. But if you continue dating her, then she has to show up and want to contribute in some way as well. Relationships are a two-way road!

Here are some ways that you can pay attention to her behaviors when you're on a date:

Does she order the most expensive thing on the menu?
Does she not thank you for dinner?

Make sure you give her the possibility to reciprocate. Challenge her and ask her to show you what she likes to do. Ask her to plan something for the both of you on the next date. This is how you can tell if a woman is using you. If she is, she won't care to show you the things she likes to do because it requires time, effort, and thought.

She avoids serious talks

She does not want to talk about her family, her friends, her emotions, or her feelings with you. You might ask her "Where do you think this is going," and she replies, "I don't know. Let's just see." She might even avoid personal questions in general. You may bring this up multiple times and she continues to avoid this conversation.

She only wants to do things that she likes

This is why I mentioned challenging her in my first tip. If you are being used by a girl, she is only going to want to do something that is pleasing for her. She only has something to gain and that's why she's in this relationship. So, pay attention to her habits and what is she doing. Here is a good way to pay attention to what she's doing. You invite her out for a drink and she asks you where you want to go. The place you suggest isn't good enough for her, and she always counters with, "No, I would rather go here…" Her suggestion is either more expensive or not as intimate, so she can socialize and mingle at a scenic place. If this sounds familiar, it's time to rethink this relationship or challenge yourself to stand your ground in terms of what you want to do. See if she's willing to compromise and always wants space.

She might not even know your last name

She might not even care to know. So, ask her right now, "What's my last name?" Ask her questions about the conversations that you've had in the past to see if she remembers important details about you. Think about something that's meaningful to you, something that has value in your life. Not just "What did I say to you yesterday when we were leaving the restaurant?" That's so vague. Instead, ask her if she remembers how many sisters you have.

Pay attention to her body language

When you talk to her, is she focused on you? Does she pay attention to you or is she always talking to other people and never making eye contact? Does she even ask you questions about you and your life?

Maybe she just wants sex

You might be seeing signs she only wants sex. She never spends the night and she never has any intimate conversations with you after sex. She might leave right after and only contact you late at night.

If you're looking for a relationship or something sustainable, I challenge you to pay attention to the signs I mentioned in this article and not invest your time in a woman that isn't giving you the attention you are giving her.


Does she really love me or is she using me?

If you're falling in love with a woman that might be giving you the signs that she is using you, you have to take matters into your own hands by setting the boundaries and getting your answers fast. Communication is key to all and any relationships. If you don't have communication then you don't have anything.

So, can you communicate how you feel right now with your partner? If you answered "No," then what is the reason behind it? What is coming up for you? Will she not be able to listen or hear you? Or will you end up getting in a fight about this as time goes on?

Many couples that have been together for years wind up asking themselves these questions. "Is she using me?" As time goes on, the relationship might seem comfortable and you might fall out of love. You end up asking yourself if your partner is just using you because it's comfortable or if the love is still there.

If this is the battle you're facing in your relationship right now, then it's time to ask questions and have that talk with your partner on how you can have a healthy relationship, and what actions you both need to implement moving forward. I wrote a blog that can help you with this called How to Have a Healthy Relationship.

Is my girlfriend using me?

As this article comes to a close, let's talk about how you can transform being used into something more meaningful in a relationship. If you are experiencing this right now, the best thing for you to do is the following…

Do not initiate any more contact with her. Let her start to take initiatives in the relationship. Enroll in something you've been wanting to try in the community or try out a new activity. Once you do this, work out and change your look a little so you can stand out.

She will start making the effort to get your attention again, and when she does, it will be the right time to set boundaries. Don't just hang out with her the moment she reaches out to you. Make sure you show her that you are busy. When she reaches out again, showcase yourself.

Setting boundaries are voicing your opinion and your concerns from a place of confidence and value. Don't downplay your values or morals to fit into someone's else glove. Once you change your mindset on how to communicate effectively with a woman, then you will understand how to get past this. A lot of women look for stability and masculinity. When a woman finds a man that respects her while staying true to who he is with little compromises on his beliefs, then they can start to set the tone for a healthy foundation and respect.

You will only be respected as much as you respect yourself.

If you find yourself still wondering how to move forward please comment below or reach out to me for a private coaching session. I am here for you!

You are always loved,


Apollonia Ponti, an international certified coach and founder of She works with ambitious men to attract the woman they desire, build confidence, master their attraction skills and helps rebuild relationships.

You can find her expert advice on "is she using me", plus a couple other of your core professional services, through her YouTube Channel, and Attract a Woman E-Book. To get real results with women NOW! Change your life and master your attraction. Book a coaching session here .

How to Know if Girl Is Using You
