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Old Woman Body Template Drawing

Throughout these lessons I have touched upon how age changes things in the body and specially in the face. Here we will await at the full progression of the body and confront from birth to very old historic period.

A Few Preliminary Words

Let'southward get this clear: Everyone ages differently. The diagrams below are not meant to be invariably true to the letter, simply to help you draw people that look their intended historic period. I know for myself that while I was learning to draw, I ended upwards with many children who looked eerily world-weary, or adults stuck in their twenties, earlier I identified the visual clues of age that I was misusing. They are collected here to relieve you much trial and fault, merely you will not demand to use them all – equally a matter of fact, unless your style is very realistic, yous might want to utilize the fewest possible, just what is enough to make a grapheme's age clear.

About the Stages of Life

The stages used here (Newborn, Baby, Child...) are a compromise between the "official"  division (which for instance groups 13- and 20-twelvemonth-olds together nether "adolescent") and the way I feel they can be classified visually. Upwards to adolescence, children change very apace, just I can't exercise a diagram for each passing twelvemonth and then I condensed them into as few stages as possible. Naturally, a 5-year-old doesn't look the same as a x-year-former, so these portraits are snapshots of a continuous transformation.

Factors That Influence Aging

As I said above, nosotros all age differently. The childhood stages are somewhat uniform, only once nosotros accomplish adulthood, the changes to our appearance, whether in the face or the figure, depend on many factors: genetics, ethnicity, living conditions, work/life habits, health, exposure to sunlight and wind, practise or lack thereof, usage of cosmetics or surgery, and so on.

People in poor countries have a shorter life expectancy and no admission to health intendance, allow solitary dazzler products, so they may look very former past the time they're middle-aged, while in adult countries, some people tin look barely xl well into their sixties. In those same developed countries, in centuries past, middle age was old age and brought with it blackened or fallen teeth, a declining trunk and stained skin.

Exposure to the elements will line even a young face: in Viêt Nam I met a woman who worked outdoors in a very windy place, and the many fine lines on her face made me think she was in her forties, merely she turned out to be only xx. Inversely, the Japanese famously keep their smooth skin for years and years, and I was shocked to meet a "teenager" who turned out to exist a mature, married woman. Traumatizing events can besides advance aging, visible particularly in worry lines.

With all this in mind, it is best to expect at the stages below not every bit stock-still values just every bit steps that are relative to each other. The exact age is less of import than the differences between a phase and another.

Sexual Dimorphism (or Non)

You'll find I simply provide separate male person and female diagrams for some age categories. This is simply because up until puberty, boys and girls are non very differentiated. They are recognizable mostly through socially created factors such as haircut and clothing. You can't easily tell a young kid'south gender just from their confront. Boyhood marks the beginning of serious differences in face and body, and that's when the split diagrams begin. Then, subsequently menopause, women start losing their differentiating factors again. Equally they get older, men and women become once more increasingly like in the confront, salve for the fact women's pilus never recedes quite as much, and women very rarely go bald.

Stages of Life

Newborn (0-ane month)

Newborns can only lie on their belly, retaining the foetal position with limbs folded against their body. Therefore body length = two.v heads (legs non counted). Note how short the legs are – call up that in adults, in this position, the knee reaches the shoulder.

Newborn proportions Newborn proportions Newborn proportions

The start week, the head is elongated. This is chosen molding and it is due to the passage through the birth canal, which makes the basic of the skull overlap. C-sections don't issue in molding.

Newborn face Newborn face Newborn face
  1. Many newborns have a full head of fine, dark hair, but they can likewise be quite bald.
  2. The ear is flat against the head.
  3. No neck or mentum.
  4. The nostrils are very evident in a tiny push button nose.
  5. The line under the eyes is clearly defined.
  6. The eye slits, equally well equally the line of the mouth, look very wide.
  7. The upper eyelid fold may non exist yet. At this phase, the eyes are merely opened for brief spells and tend to squint.
  8. There is the merest hint of eyebrows, very high on the face.

The eyes of newborns only take their final hue between 6 months and 1 year. The skin also has a "birth coloration" that soon changes. Roughly speaking, for dissimilar types, these nascence colors are:

Newborn birth coloration Newborn birth coloration Newborn birth coloration

  • Caucasian types: Dark blue-grey optics, pink to cherry-red peel (strong vascularity)
  • African types: Dark grayness-brown eyes, reddish-blackness peel
  • Asian types: Night grey-brownish eyes, tea rose skin

Babe (i month - 1 year)

Although babies develop at an individual footstep, here'south a general guideline:

  • At two months, a babe can lift its head halfway;
  • At 3 it tin hold an object;
  • At 4 information technology tin lift its head and breast when lying downwards;
  • At 6 it tin hold its head steady and sit with help;
  • At 7 it can sit and stand unsupported, and tries to put its foot in its mouth;
  • At 11 it tin can stand alone;
  • Around 1 year it starts walking unsupported.

Around three months sometime, the trunk length is closer to 3 heads (legs still not counted). Although the proportions have barely changed, the body and limbs are noticeably chubbier.

Baby proportions Baby proportions Baby proportions

Around ten months, we starting time thinking in terms of height, as the baby starts standing on its legs. Height = iv-v heads. The features are less crumpled than a newborn'south, appearing very open to drink in the world.

Baby proportions and face Baby proportions and face Baby proportions and face
  1. The little pilus present is very fine, and can exist calorie-free so get darker as baby grows.
  2. The ear starts sticking out.
  3. A babe's eyeballs are well-nigh their adult size, but the heart slits are not, so the iris appears much larger than an adult'southward.
  4. The lips get more than visible, drawing a tiny mouth.
  5. The eyes are wider apart than an adult's.
  6. The countenance ridge is hardly present, there's only a very gentle curve.
  7. There's no cheekbone to speak of either, but a circular cheek.

Toddler (ane - 4 years)

The body begins to slim down a bit, losing the rounded stomach,  but retains an endearing awkwardness. At age four, a child'due south height is at to the lowest degree double its nascence length. Height= v heads

Toddler proportions and face Toddler proportions and face Toddler proportions and face
  1. We tin can see the get-go of a cervix
  2. The legs are short relatively to the trunk.
  3. The hair is thicker, darker, and now hides the head.
  4. The eyebrows are now about half as dark every bit they will be in adulthood (then they'll still be very low-cal in fair children).
  5. The cheeks are total and often pinkish.
  6. The mouth is small-scale and puckered, looking pouty.
  7. Double mentum
  8. Toddlers still have their baby fatty, especially in the face.

Child (five - 11 years)

In normally-fed children, all baby fat is gone, merely the muscles are still infantile, then the body looks skinny. Torso proportions change from 5.five heads in early childhood, to 6 heads between vii and 9, begetting in mind that the speed of growth is unequal – some children look younger than their age and some abound so fast they expect like teenagers. This balances itself out before adulthood, with a growth spurt for the sometime and a slowing down for the latter. Annotation also that in children, the face occupies a smaller area of the caput than in adults.

Child proportions and face Child proportions and face Child proportions and face
  1. The cervix grows out of an well-nigh horizontal shoulder line (instead of the trapezius of adults – see Basic Body Proportions) considering these muscles are not developed.
  2. The eyebrows notwithstanding appear high.
  3. The ears grow earlier other features and so they looks large for a while.
  4. Thin neck
  5. The chin becomes defined, but non yet strong.
  6. The nose looks short because information technology'southward still upturned.
  7. The nose bridge gains dimension.
  8. The face contours start to announced, but are still soft.

Boyish (12 - 17 years)

Females actually begin puberty between 8-13 years of age, with males starting between 9.5 and 14 years. Height= 6.5 to 7 heads (males are taller).

  1. In males, shoulders broaden.
  2. Hair appears on the trunk, legs, arms and face.
  3. The feet, arms, legs and hands may grow faster than the residuum of the body, leading to the gangly look and feeling of awkwardness.
  4. In females, the development of the breasts is the outset sign of puberty, but they don't reach their full size until adulthood. Kickoff the breasts form small mounds, then the areola gets larger. The breast keeps growing from there.
  5. The waist gets smaller and the hips get wider.
  6. Fat may increase in the buttocks, legs and breadbasket.
  1. The eyebrows are total and lower on the eyes, attenuating the wide-eyed look of childhood.
  2. The most noticeable difference with adult faces at this signal is the size of the eyes, which are still large.
  3. The bone construction is in place merely nevertheless softened past a total face up.
  4. As the nose have its developed shape, it looks longer.
  5. In males, the neck is thicker, the Adam's apple appears.
  6. In females, the neck remains slender, with NO Adam's apple.
  7. Eyelashes can be left out to convey boyhood, as their presence in a drawing tends to brand a female look older.

Immature Adult (xviii years - thirty's)

Adulthood is when growth stops: this is the tallest i gets in ane's life. The body achieves maturity, with fully developed muscles, and in women's case full breasts. Elevation= 7.v heads (Note that we employ viii heads when learning to draw people, as explained in Basic Body Proportions). The full details of developed female and male bodies are described in Advanced Body Proportions, simply note the most obvious differences between them at this point:

Grey hair can get-go appearing in one's thirties or even tardily twenties, though most people (particularly women) volition remove or dye them. Female eyebrows at this phase are oftentimes styled (at least, in parts of the world where that is done) so they look neatly drawn, while male eyebrows retain a natural look than is rarely equally well-baked.

  1. The eyelids get more visible, toning down the gaze and conveying maturity.
  2. The optics look slightly smaller.
  3. The line of the nose is chiseled.
  4. The face contours now show more bone and muscle construction than soft flesh.
  5. The ear size stabilizes at the measure out that is roughly the distance from the top of the eyes to the tip of the olfactory organ.
  6. Males accept a strong squared jaw.
  7. Dark-haired men often have a shadow around the jaw fifty-fifty when they're shaved. At this age, facial pilus would exist at their strongest if grown.
  8. Female person lips at their most fleshy (and oftentimes look much redder or contrasted, due to the use of cosmetics).
  9. The eyelashes are now emphasized.

Middle Historic period (40'southward and fifty's)

The body doesn't change all that much, but muscle density decreases, and female person breasts start losing firmness. Elbows and knee caps show wrinkles. The tendency to accumulate fat increases. Men and women store it in different places, indicated in blue:

The changes in the face are mostly in the lines, no longer in the structure:

  1. The eyelids become heavier.
  2. Crow'southward feet begin to appear.
  3. A downward fold shows up at the corners of the rima oris, giving a fleck of a wry expression. It is at present safe to draw more expression lines that would accept fabricated the face await too quondam otherwise.
  4. Lines may too announced at the root of the nose.
  5. In males, the hairline is probable to start receding.
  6. The hair shows more than sign of aging, the "salt and pepper" look.

Menopause happens in a woman'south fifties. The drop in estrogen levels has many effects on the body, the most visible ones existence:

  • The bones lose density so the body starts getting shorter.
  • The breasts dry upwards.
  • Weight proceeds is redistributed to the intestinal area, so the waist starts disappearing.

Early on Old Age (60'south)

  1. The hair turns decidedly grey. Information technology thins, and its growth is at present express, so women clothing information technology shorter.
  2. Worry, frown and grin lines get permanent.
  3. The eyebrows may stay dark longer than the hair (if they were dark in the get-go place), simply grow sparser.
  4. Pockets appear under the eyes.
  5. The skin loses elasticity and starts hanging at the jaws, resulting in a less house jawline.
  6. The male hairline recedes to a varying, but noticeable degree.
  7. Female person eyelashes are no longer prominent.
  8. The lips get thinner. The face in general starts losing femininity.

Eye Erstwhile Age (seventy's)

People who go on exercising into old historic period keep a younger body longer, and may not slump or lose much muscle mass. Slumping makes the neck look shorter and the arms fall lower than usual. Male pectorals droop visibly.

In males, hairline recedes considerably or all pilus is lost. Women's hairline recedes petty: this is the main difference betwixt male and female faces at this stage.

  1. The skin becomes thinner, showing veins, blemishes and age spots.
  2. The hair is thin and wispy, nigh transparent as all pigment is gone.
  3. The upper eyelid may droop to permanently embrace the outer corner of the eye, giving it a triangular shape. This happens to populations of Western and Northern Europe and to people heavily exposed to the elements.
  4. The earlobe droops (generally noticeable in people who wore earrings).
  5. The peel adheres to the os, hollowing the cheeks.
  6. There is a jowl upshot as the skin on the cheeks sags.
  7. The corners of the mouth run down.
  8. The folds join the chin to the neck pit.
  9. If in that location is whatsoever facial hair, it'due south getting sparser and weaker.
  10. The lips lose colour, with vertical lines running up and downward from them.
  11. Loss of cartilage makes the nose tip droop.
  12. The eyes become watery and their iris less intense in color.
  13. Thin or scraggy eyebrows.

Very Old Historic period (80's and upward)

The advent of conveying the burdens of the earth that erstwhile people usually have is more often than not due to the physical changes of their face up – the "sorry" eyes (shaped this way by the drooping eyelid in Caucasian types), permanent "worry" and frown" lines, corners of the rima oris drooping... We read these every bit expression lines even though at that time of life, they are simply always at that place. When drawing an elderly face, nosotros need to be aware of the expressive power of these lines and balance or attenuate them according to the facial expression we wish to convey.

  1. More age spots.
  2. The optics sink dorsum, letting the orbits prove through the skin.
  3. Crow's anxiety can become really long and abundant.
  4. People who spent their lives exposed to the elements can have abundant lines on the cheeks as well.
  5. The jaw line is lost.
  6. Double chin.
  7. The rima oris puckers in if lost teeth are not replaced by dental work (only affordable or available to a portion of the industrialized world)
  8. These lines deepen.

Practice time:

  • Notice people on the street, on the bus, etc. On first impression, what age would you give them? Try then to deconstruct the visual clues, picked up unconsciously, that led to that impression.
  • Consciously sketch historic period groups that you don't normally draw or that yous have trouble portraying, both with and without reference.
  • Play around with imagining your favourite comic book character (or your ain character) at different stages of their life.
